
Broadband Connection to the Central Sun

You may have noticed the expansion of consciousness that has taken place since the Harmonic Concordance. This is due to the new Broadband connection that has been created to the Universe's Central Sun. This broadband connection of consciousness is on the level of the crystalline structure of your very being. It is using the full electromagnetic spectrum, which we mainly experience, through the twelve-chakra centres and in the DNA.

You're feeling and emotions make this connection to these subtle energies, which can be found in your heart. When you transcend the physical body's structure: By that I mean experience the consciousness of your whole body, the organs, cells, molecules, atoms and finally drop out into the field of pure consciousness, where you transcend time and space and experience life in its pure form.

When one is grounded by visualising energy roots going down into the planet. It is possible to take you awareness down these roots and expand your awareness or aura out to feel the whole planet as part of yourself. You can do this also to take in the solar system, the milky way or the whole universe, when your awareness is expanded in this way, everything feels apart of your self. Also you do not have to travel anywhere you just move your awareness around. Like within your own human body you just move your awareness from your head to your foot, when expanded you can move your awareness to any part of the universe in an instant just by having the intention to do this.

What are the advantages of the new awareness?

Synchronies in life seem to increase
Problem free living

I hope this is not sounding too scientific because I am putting into words, a process, which is more on the level of feelings.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge's Blog: Visit the website for more information and previously published ebooks to read, Guided Meditation CD or MP3 file. Request Absent Healing at: Or ask at question at "Ask HealerGeorge":



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